Saturday, March 26, 2011

Weird Wednesday

On Wednesday I saw a transvestite and a woman with way too much facial hair. I couldn't stop staring. It was a weird day.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My new coworker.

So this is my coworker. He's pretty awesome. The good thing he reads all theses sci-fi and fantasy books which I'm really starting to enjoy, so he can give me suggestions. He's already given me a nice list.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

First week of my new job.

Well, one week down at my new job. Things are going pretty well and I'm liking it. I'm still in "training," so I haven't done too much. I've had to read to a few kids already and they were sweet and well behaved. I am basically starting with nothing and trying to build these programs up. This library sure is different. It is way smaller, which I like. It also is never crowded and people mostly just come in to use the computers.

I have had some interesting experiences already. My boss is on all this medication for health issues. I feel bad for her. I'm pretty sure the medicine makes her pretty tired.  Anyway, my first full day she was explaining stuff to me and fell asleep mid-sentence! I wasn't really sure what to do. I just asked if she was ok, and she snapped back. Yesterday, I saw a grown woman with a pacifier in her mouth.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


So I have a major update for you. I got a job promotion! I'm no longer a book shelver, but don't despair! My new job is as a library assistant planning kids storytimes and reading programs. I am also moving over the the library that is on the east side of lubbock in the ghetto. I mean it is super ghetto. I am still gonna see and deal with some crazy shit. I will be keeping this blog and maybe change the the name of it. I will also still post stuff from my last job if I think of something good.

In all seriousness though, this new job will involve me working with mostly children that probably don't have the best life. I think that it will be very rewarding, and I needed a change.

Poor Wilbert cried when I told him. He colored a picture for me and sent it over to myh new place. It was waiting on my desk when I got there today. I'm gonna miss my old coworkers, but plan on visiting.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Old homeless men.

Ok so usually the homeless people don't make me feel too uncomfortable cause they know me and are pretty respectful. That is not always the case though. I cut bangs so maybe I look a little different. Anyway, last evening as I was walking to my car I heard whistling. I looked up to see these old homeless men on the steps of the civic center. A couple of them had theit shirts off, which almost made me throw up. I knew one of them, and he tried to talk to me and was slightly offensive. I just said a few short words and drove off. I didn't want him to come down the steps. The point of this story is I know where to go if I get desperate enough. Ugh, sick.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I wish the library would close!!!!

OMG. This remodeling is getting on my nerves. Just close the damn library. I can barely do anything and they have shelves blocking everything. They have came pretty close to knocking full shelves over. While that would suck, it would also be kinda awesome. As long as I didn't have to pick anything up...

Thursday, March 3, 2011


So I'm gonna talk about the night when the security guard got injured by a homeless lady. He used to check the bathrooms for trouble, including the women's. He would knock first of course, but I guess one night he walked in on some lady in there. Boy was she pissed. This was a night that I left before closing, so this is just what he told me. After we close he stays to lock up and stuff. I guess as he was walking to his car the lady got all up in his face and yelled at him for invading her privacy and they had an arguing match. Then she hit him on the head with something, I forget what, and left a nasty cut. He came in the next day with a bandage. That right there proved to me what I already knew...that we weren't safe.  After that he is no longer allowed to check the women's restroom...which is probably why a young man was in there that one time. Who knows what goes on in there.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The smells of the library

Today as my coworker and I were putting up mystery books, we smelled the worst smell ever. I think it was a guy that was close by. It was so bad that I nearly started gagging. Now I would call this the "homeless" fragrance. I smell it a lot, but it has never been this strong.  We had to go sit in the back by the fan. As soon as I got home I took a shower. My nostrils don't deserve this!