Saturday, February 26, 2011

New homeless lady

So today this older homeless lady came in. None of us had ever seen her before. She brought in tons of stuff, which she really isn't supposed to do...but whatever. She stayed up by the front desk most of the day talking to my coworkers, asking them all sorts of questions. I could tell they were getting annoyed after some time. She even tried to come to the back room! Well, this lady went and walked around some and went back to "the corner." Apparently she was just cussing around patrons and called some lady a prostitute. She sure was a character. I'm gonna guess that this will be her new hang out spot, at least until she gets kicked out.

Monday, February 21, 2011


So an interesting conversation was had between me and my coworkers. We started talking about the show the Bachelor, which somehow led to Carrie Underwood, which then led to my coworker saying, "I wonder what it would be like to have sex with a bowlegged guy?" We kind of just looked at her and started laughing. She used to work at another library and said this attractive bowlegged cowboy used to come in all the time. She then proceeded to do some demonstrations which I shouldn't mention. Since she is married and I am single, I told her to find me a bowlegged guy and I will take one for the team. It can't be a cowboy though.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The big remodel

They are remodeling the children's area, and eventually the whole library. God knows we need it. This means a few things for me:
  • I can't put away most of my books so I'm exta bored.
  • Patrons keep asking me questions about it, then get mad when I tell them they can't go back there.
  • The fumes from the paint have reached my brain by now. 
  • I have to deal with the men that work for the city. Most are nice, but some are creepy and like to stare in that way that makes me feel super uncomfortable. They told me I need to come help them box up books. Um, no thanks.
Don't get me wrong, I like not having to do much, but when you're there as much as I am it gets kinda old. Plus, they are still working on something with the air at the civic center, so we have no cool air. It's soooo freakin' unsafe working conditions hot. If I have a heat stroke, could I sue the city?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

Well, today is Valentine's Day. Since I am single and all, it's not much different from a regular day. Before I went to work, I thought about Wilbert and went and picked him up some chocolate (sugar free cause he's diabetic). I set it on his desk for when he got there. The look on his face when he saw it made me happy. He came and gave me a hug and then gave me a gift too. It was a little hedgehog keychain with a heart that played music and a heart ring. Super cute! It's just comforting that there are always people who care and love you, and it's nice to be able to show you care about them too. Another plus was that I got to eat a lot of chocolate.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Stupid Rosas.

So last night I was throwing up all night...I think from stupid Rosas. This makes me sad because I love Rosas, but now it will never be the same. Anyway, I showed up to work feeling extra shitty. I left after 3 hours, came home and took a 4 hour nap. Best day of work ever? Perhaps.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Another love letter...

So, yesterday I arrived at work to a nice suprise. If you remember from a previous post, I had recieved a letter from the cleaning guy. Well, he wrote me another one and put it in the bookdrop sometime when I wasn't there and my coworker saved it for me. He folded it all up like oragami like and wrote my name on the outside. I should mention that he left the E off the end of my name. I texted my coworker and stumbed upon a shocking discovery. The cleaning lady told him I liked him and if he hadn't hit on the other shelver (he wrote her a letter too) that I would be with him. What the HELL? I never told her I liked him at all, in fact it was the opposite. She likes drama though...I know that for a fact. I feel bad for the guy a little because now he thinks he has a chance. I guess I can put the letter up here.

"Hey Claire I just wana start this off by giving you my sincerest deepest apologies if I had known u liked me I wouldn't have done what I did but thats still no excuse what I did was not cool at all ( I guess this is referring to when he wrote the other shelver a letter). Im not asking u to forget Im asking u for forgiveness for a second chance that I prolly dont even deserve. From the moment I met u and saw how beautiful inside and out you were and how unique your personality was I knew god sent u to me (I laughed pretty hard at this). I could tell u werent like everyother girl unlike most you have a heart a big one too. I know I messed up with you but I want to make it up to you in any way I can. Whether you decide to accept my apology and start over or not it still brings me happiness knowing that you know im sorry. Please find in in your heart to give me another chance. I promise you I wont mess up again."

Shit. Don't get me wrong, it's a sweet gesture and flattering I guess...but ugh. I don't like hurting people's feelings and I hate that the bitch cleaning lady couldn't keep her mouth shut. I cleared up the misunderstanding and it's all good. Drama at the library!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


So today I saw my coworker take off his pants. It was rather distubing. I guess he got too hot with all his layers. He stripped down to his boxers and then put a layer back on. He is probably in his 60s. Yeah...